Human Resources ( HR ) Strategy & Planning Services


Just to compete these days, it is essential to have good products and effective & efficient strategies and operations. A company will have none of these, unless it can build, release, and focus the energy and talents of its people. Proper Human Resources Management calls for appropriate strategy, plans and action programs that are periodically assessed, analyzed and updated.


Our Human Resources Strategy & Planning services aim to provide clients with professional counsel and assistance in aligning HR strategies & plans with the corporate, business and other functional strategies & plans,


Our HR Strategy & Planning services may include but not limited to provision of counsel and assistance in:

  • Setting appropriate HR related objectives
  • Conducting HR related external situation analysis
  • Conducting HR related internal situation analysis
  • Pinpointing related key success factors
  • Identification of related SWOT
  • Crafting of the required HR strategy
  • Preparing the detailed courses of action to implement the HR strategy
  • Preparing appropriate HR related policies, systems and procedures, including
    • General HR
    • HR Planning
    • Recruitment, Selection, Placement & Movement
    • Training & Development
    • Performance Management
    • Compensation & Benefits
    • Industrial Relations
    • HR Administration
    • HRIS.
  • Developing the required HR organization capable of implementing the HR strategy & plans
TC: RFP Management & Consulting Services

Please send your request for a proposal by filling out the form below and we will get back with you shortly.





How do you create a Strategic HR Plan?

The process for developing a Strategic HR Plan begins by identifying where your organization is now in the life-cycle of an enterprise: the start-up stage, the growth stage, the mature stage or the decline stage.

Once you’ve decided where your company is today, formulate a clear picture of your company’s future along with ways to get there. Your Strategic HR Plan will be built upon the foundation of this strategic business plan.

Step 1: Identify Future HR Needs

Step 2: Consider Present HR Capabilities

Step 3: Identify Gaps Between Future Needs & Present Capability

Step 4: Formulate Gap Strategies

Step 5:  Share & Monitor The Plan